Welcome to the Open Source Matrix 👋

It's a Single Page Guide to get your First Open-Source Contribution get done!

Step 1: Fork the Repo!

Go on the fork button and fork the repo.

Step 2: Clone the Repo!

Clone the fork by clicking on Code dropdown and copying the https link and typing the following in the terminal: git clone "https_link.git"

Note: Replace the https_link.git with your own link as Provided by your Code Dropdown

Step 3: Change the current working directory to the Cloned directory

by using: cd name_repo

Note: Replace the name_repo by the name of your repo's name

Step 4: Create a New Branch

You can do so by: git checkout -c new-branch

and make changes while being on this branch

Step 5: Make the Changes as you wish

Make the Changes to the Codebase or add any few feature as you wish

Step 6: Check the Status of the Changes made by you

You can do so by: git status

Step 7: Move these Changes to the Staging Area!

You can do so by: git add file_changed_name
This Command is for adding the Changes of a specific file to the Staging area

Note - You can add multiple changes made in the directories and subdirectories at once using the git add .

Step 8: Commit your changes

Now, the Changes are in the Staging area and we need to commit the changes before pushing the changes!

You can do so by: git commit -m "Commit message"

Note: It's a good practice to keep the Commit Messages Short and Descriptive

Step 9: Push your changes

Since, You have commited the changes, It's time to push the local branch to your remote repo

You can do so by: git push -u origin your_branch_name

Step 10: Compare and Pull Request

Go to the forked repo on GitHub and you'll see a green button saying Compare and Pull Request

Click on it

Doing so will allow you to create a pull request from forked repo to the original repo

Step 11: Submit Your Pull Request

You'll be prompted to write about the Pull Request and why you creating it, Give a descriptive and context based information about the Pull Request.

Wait for the Pull Request to get Merged

Open Source Matrix

Hey folks! 🙋🏻‍♂️ Hope you're doing well! 🙌🏻 As you would have read the title of the Blogpost, It's gonna be about Open-Source...